Note to self: I know the detail on the front of the pants is cute, but NEVER tuck this shirt in again! (I have to be stern sometimes)
I took Freeda's advice re: letting down the hem on the pants from my "Oompa Loompa" post. I thought I was OK on the fading line, but a glimpse in the mirrored window at City Hall this morning told me I obviously hadn't shaken off the effects of the sleeping pills I took last night when I made that assessment!
I was happy to see that Dr. Scholl's now has the "diabetic" socks in tan. I have about a dozen pair of the black ones, but have been deprived of comfy socks for brown pants and shoes. I like these because they don't cut the circulation from my feet by strangling my cankles.
I adore this glass-beaded collar, and bought these plastic (Gasp!) earrings to go with it. I have a love-hate relationship with the coordinating fabric lining the collar of this shirt. What a gripping life I do lead....
I was running late to court this morning, so once again showed up with a wet head. I don't think that judge has ever seen me with dry hair. But at least I have some pretty hair catches!
I gotta go get my hair did...
Top: VanHusen outlet
Jewelry: JC Penney (super-cheap at doorbusters sale!)
Pants: Lane Bryant
Shoes: Bass outlet
Barette: gift from Mom
Love the detail on the pants and the beaded collar. Everything comes together for an attractive look.