And you better not hit on my woman- I'll beat you stupid!
Yeah... that little piece of hotness is all for me!
Show 'em your pretty face, babe....
It a bit cold out, so we gotta keep my princess warm- and fly!
My girl even did her nails to match her dress- she likes to look pretty for me
So I brought her this corsage that I got this chick lawyerdoll to make:
My Prom Queen looooves the bling... and I like to look at it on her chest.
And her shiny shoes... what's up with chicks and shoes? I'm not looking at her feet.
Top: Salvation Army
Jacket: Salvation Army
Tie and cummerbund: Men's Wearhouse -the salesgirls made us promise photos
Crown: Party Time in Horseheads, NY
Pants: my black Lane Bryant ones. Like I could fit into men's tux pants!
Earring: Swarovski gift from Big Daddy. I lost it's mate :(
Pencil-thin D-bag beard: brown mascara -a lot of people thought it was glued-on hair!
Gown: Salvation Army -I had to sew ribbons to tie the neck together, and used a piece of elastic around the skirt to keep it up.
Shoes: Payless -the salesman was very amused
Wig and tiara: Party Time in Horseheads, NY
Necklace and Bracelet: Walmart
Bag: my Beijo bag from a purse party
Fake fur wrap: Walmart (fabric dept.)
Earrings: borrowed from a friend
Corsage: materials from Hobby Lobby, labor by me