What is that weird white patch on the lower right? I had to ask Hubby... and he said the strangest thing. Apparently, it's called "sun".
After Googling the term, I realized I subconsiously went for a nature/tropical theme today:
I must be thinking of my upcoming medical leave, which I plan to spend on the porch or side yard reading. I spotted the perfect lounge chair at Bed Bath and Beyond. Now I just need to come up with $80-something. I think I have a 20% off coupon....
I'm going to go test it over the next week or so, before I commit.
Edited to add: Bought it! Medical leave lounging, here I come!
Top: INC from Macy's
Pants: present
Earrings: art show in Kalamazoo, MI
Necklace: gift from an ex