As I think I've said before, I'm on the Red Cross Disaster Services team. Friday I got a call, could I help staff a cooling station Saturday? Of course.
It was for an Amish funeral. To backtrack, last week a drunk driver rammed into a vanfull of Amish on a farm tour, reviewing different farming techniques. Some of the passengers were killed, others badly injured. The funeral was Saturday.
The "English" members of the community really pitched in. For those who don't know, "English" means non-Amish. I started out at the fire hall, where people were bringing in donations of food and paper plates, cups, napkins, etc., and others were preparing food. It was really touching how much individuals kicked in with donations- not just businesses. I couldn't physically do much there, so I moved on to the cooling station.
As I drove to the location, I noticed sheriff, state police, fire, and ambulances all parked along the route. People were sitting outside to watch. There were charter buses, vans, and dozens of black buggies all parked near the site. When I got to the service site, I saw so many people sitting in the large covered barn that some were outside in the blazing sun. Everyone was in very heavy-looking black "plain" clothes. Some of the women were outside with babies, I assume they were fussing so needed to be moved from the service.
It was blazing hot, but at least not over 100F like the previous few days. We had one table set up for sandwiches and snacks, and coolers with water and Gatorade bottles. I set up my foldding chair, and got to work stocking and passing out cool drinks to the crowd.
I've never seen so many people dressed exactly alike at once. It's a bit disconcerting at first, but after a few minutes, the clothes were easy to ignore in favor of concentrating on individual faces. As a so-called "fashion blogger", it's intriguing to observe naked human faces (with nothing else even remotely naked) and, to a much lesser extent, figures without the disguise of individually flattering (or not) hairstyles, clothing, makeup, accessories that the rest of us use to highlight and conceal, to mark personal style and socioeconomic status.
It's difficult to imagine living without these markers... without the whole morning "what should I wear" rigamarole. Would it be dull? Or a relief from the pressure?
Anyway, here's my unspectacular outfit for the occasion:
I just bought the tee b/c I didn't have anything plain, light, and shoulder-covering for the task. Hubby hates these capris, so I think I will donate them. I washed the necklace I stupidly wore in a little dishsoap because it was coated with salty sweat and dust by the end of this exercise.
Yep, I forgot the important accessory: SUNSCREEN!
Later on Saturday, I learned that one of my local friends suddenly passed away. She's been living with a debilitating back injury for years, and I never got to spend as much time with her as I would have liked. She was an absolute love, she had such a beautiful spirit and attitude, and a kind word for everyone.
I hadn't seen her in two months, because I was down for my surgery, then slammed at work. I was supposed to go to her husband's birthday party two days before, but I left work early that day because my back went out. So I stayed home. I figured I could see her again soon.
I can't. Ever again.
Sunday was puffy-eyelid day.