Or was Photoshop just trying to keep me from further embarassing myself? I really love the print, the flutter sleeves, and the front detail on this top. So why do I feel like I look "middle-aged" in it whenever I see a photo?
And I adore how nicely the green in the top goes with this pendant:
I slept on wet hair last night, since I was too tired after Zumba and a shower to deal with it properly. And I'm starting to think this choice of socks and shoes with that top wasn't "edgy"-- it was deranged:
Oh well, at least I got to the Y to do my weights…
Top: via Stein Mart
Collar: gift from Freeda or Mom
Pendant: gift from Baby Sis
Pants: Lane Bryant
Earrings: via Gold Mine in Bath, NY (very plain, won't bother posting now)
Shoes: Perceptions (from Payless?) Via Freeda's purge pile
Ooh! The second picture is really cute. Your smile is bright, your makeup works and the clothes are pretty. Nice shot.