The evidence of my intent rests in the mirror shots below:
This outfit would look better on someone who doesn't have cartoonishly round hips. Long tops and sweaters are so darn tricky for me. But this sweater is the closest thing I have to wearing a blanket... which is what I really wanted. Still had a fever that day....
And I really wanted to try combining these necklines:
I'm not sure if this was good or not, I was too sick for proper self-critique. Your thoughts?
Another day, I had to take Stinky to his band concert. He was surprised that I made him stay for the rest of the show rather than head straight home so he could play video games, but that's how I was brought up. How many looong band concerts of Freeda's and Baby Sis' I had to sit through... because the whole school system had its concerts on the same night. Stinky doesn't know how lightly he got off!
Of course, I had already worked all day and still felt like crap. But at least I snapped my "trial day" outfit for your consideration:
I went with Freeda's suggestion to KISS- Keep it simple, stupid... All black base garments to let the sweater pop.
I really overdid it on a Friday. Still sick, but I worked all day, went to my office Christmas Party, then to a friend's mom's surprise 80th Birthday party. It was mostly theater people in an Elks club ballroom, so there was tons of dancing and karaoke. But at least I looked better than I felt:
I really should have just gone home, but it had been over a month since I got to see my friends outside Hubby's hospital room! I really needed to blow off some steam, sick or no....
I'm definitely noticing I'm thickening at the waistline. Everywhere, really.... The whole "diet-and-exercise" thing went out the window once Hubby had his "incident'. I was doing so well before that happened... *sigh*
He's still bedridden, and we have no idea what's happening or when he can go back to work. I haven't been taking good care of myself, and I think the stress of the situation has really done a number on me.
Just for fun: I received a Christmas present I specifically requested... one of those home paraffin-bath tubs. My hands get really stiff and achy, and I liked the hot wax treatment at the salon. Of course, I haven't had one of the salon treatments in years. But this guy arrived on my doorstep as "suggested", and I was eager to try him out:
I broke out in hives! I'm so upset, because I really wanted this device. But I seem to have come up with a solution. I already had a box of disposable vinyl gloves, the kind they use at doctor's offices. They fit pretty well, so I tried doing the dip OVER the gloves. Not quite the same effect, but I did feel enough to get optimistic.
But I wonder if I only broke out because I didn't wash my hands right away, and touched other places on my body before I finally washed my hands. My hands did NOT break out at all! I will try this again without gloves after the hives are cleared up, so I can see if immediate handwashing will be enough to prevent future outbreaks.
I sure hope so- they don't make rubber gloves for feet!
Ah... the breakdown: All pants from Lane Bryant, naturally. I think I was wearing my Ariats in all these photos as well.
Day 1:
Sweater: NY & Co. via consignment shop
Shirt: Ann Taylor via consignment shop
Day 2:
Sweater: via my dry cleaner's "abandoned property" rack
Top: I think it's Tribal, but I cut the label out ages ago and can't remember for sure via Pip's in Corning, NY
Earrings: via Kmart
Stinky's outfit- all George, I suspect from Wal-Mart.
Day 3:
Sweater: via VanHeusen outlet
Scarf: made by Mom
Earrings: via M-I-L's purge
Bracelet: made my my friend Lovely. I call her that not only because she is, but also because I "borrowed" a spritz of her SJP "Lovely" perfume on my wedding day. I had forgotten to bring something of mine.