...while I stay home with Stinky. After we pigged out on sweeties, and as I was looking through the channel guide, Stinky says "you passed 'How Do I Look'!". He actually likes to watch it with me... he is certainly going to grow up to be a well-rounded man with great taste!
Just like his Daddy! Of course, I'm always present when Hubby shops for clothes....
Shirt: Van Husen outlet
Jeans: Levis
Guess I should fold up that clean laundry on the floor....
I have to say, Stinky has been very helpful while I've been laid up... such a great kid. Being a stepmom was definitely not part of "the Plan", but I got a pretty great kid as a "bonus" to my darling Hubby.
When Hubby got home, he had a bit of an odd story. His buddy was outside smoking, then when Hubby went out to join him, there was some buzzing and giggling by a few women nearby. Apparently some squealing was involved- they had been talking about how hot MY Hubby is in front of his buddy.
Hubby gave his friend a hug (yeah... he's that guy) and went back inside. His buddy told him later that the girls apologized to him for ogling Hubby-- they hadn't realized they were 'together"!
Which makes me wonder... when Hubby and I got together, his wardrobe was deplorable and his haircut wasn't the most flattering. I *thought* his ex wasn't looking after him properly by letting him wear ill-fitting clothing in unflattering cuts and colors.
Now I'm wondering if she was, in fact, smarter than me....