
DJ/Radio Producer-turned-Lawyer attempts to dress like a grown-up. Sometimes I comically fail. And I occasionally post fun stuff, like music videos, book-club reviews, or photos of beauty or oddity.
FYI: I was doing this entire blog from my Android phone, snatching moments out of my busy life for quick photos. But I hate auto-correct with a purple passion, so now I'm using the computer for most of the work. I am still using my phone for the photos, though. My photo sizes may be erratic, and the quality isn't stellar. I am not a professional blogger, and do not have time for lots of scenic poses with a great camera. I don't even own a great camera! However, I DO appreciate your continued feedback, even in the absence of photographic artistry.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Wish Me Luck!

There have been a couple of questions about my year "hiatus". I went into some detail in earlier posts, but the Cliff's Notes version is that I was physically and emotionally fried... due to Hubby's severe injury and caring for him both pre- and post- spinal fusion surgery, my mother's serious health problems, and some health issues of my own. In short: I had a year where I was pretty much a zombie.

So I have spent the last year staying home, except filling in for court appearances a few times. That I can do (and probably have done) in my sleep! And I spent a solid two months of my summer kayaking almost every weather-friendly day. Really, I spent that year concentrating on feeling like a human being again.

Then I spent all of September in Michigan dealing with my mother's illness, hospitalizations, and move into an apartment. It was stressful, but I could better handle it because I didn't have to worry about my job-- since I didn't have one! I was able to take all that time to rest and to help my family by using up our savings.... Now we are out of money.

So I fired up the store charge cards, and kitted myself out to look like a lawyer once more. Actually, I'm going for a more polished and cohesive image than previously seen on this blog. I'm still sorting and debating and purging and making my final purchases and returns... so there will be big changes from my previous look showing in future posts. I have posted a few of the new ones recently, but I'm just getting started. My bedroom still looks like the mall exploded in there!

This afternoon, I dropped off my application for a part-time public defender position in an adjacent county. If I get the job, I would make less than I did in my last (full-time) position... BUT I could still accept outside cases, and the court appearances for the part-time position would mostly be in the evenings. It's a perfect base (steady income plus bennies) while I am building up my law practice.

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Pretty please... let it go to me!!!

I didn't have an interview scheduled, but I still wanted to look good when taking the application in. You never know who you might see.... Normally, I would have just mailed it in. But since three reference letters had to be submitted with the application packet, I had to wait for those to arrive.

The benefit of this requirement is that I actually got to see people (do two attorneys and a judge count as "people"?) saying nice things about me. The downside of having been a public defender for almost five years is that the clients are generally unhappy because we can't work miracles. They don't value our services because they're "free". *eyeroll*

I suppose the fact that I'm female doesn't help... considering that I'm technically in "Appalachia". Which is where my wardrobe overhaul comes into play. I've been reading a great deal on projecting authority through my image, and I'm revamping my wardrobe with that goal in mind.

My new necklace was a good choice for today, because it filled the neckline of my shirt without being distracting:

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I wasn't thrilled with how these earrings went with this necklace, but it was the best I could do for this outfit today:

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After I delivered my application packet, I did a little shopping. I found the perfect black crystal studs to pair with this necklace, and a couple items of clothing that will make future appearances. At least I was still feeling pretty put together today:

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Taking blog shots in store mirrors seems to work much better than taking them at home. Must be a lighting issue. I would have taken the time to get more focused shots... but my phone was almost dead.

I really love the slight sheen on these pants, but it doesn't show up well in photos.

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I haven't worn these pants for years, as they were too tight. Not only am I thrilled that they fit again, I'm also amazed that they are so long that only my highest-heeled "witchy" shoes could work with them:

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They just make me feel so tall! I do wish they had a more pointed toe box to lengthen my short, blocky feet, but they will do well enough for the time being:

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I'm going to be on pins and needles until I find out whether I get the job. Eek!

Top: Merona from Target
Sweater: Worthington via Baby Sis' friend's purge pile
Pants: Lane Bryant
Shoes: Franco Sarto via Freeda's purge pile
Necklace: Lane Bryant
Earrings: Corning Museum of Glass gift shop


  1. Good luck with your interview! That sounds fantastic! You'll probably get the job and if not, something better is waiting for you.

  2. Family health problems frequently derail our careers. Best wishes to you on getting yours back on track. You'll get it there; it's just a matter of time and opportunity.

  3. Beautiful look!!! I love your accessories!!!
    Have a good week!!!!:)))

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  4. Hi there! Thanks for stopping by and wishing you all the best of luck! In answer to your questions the dylon dye does not run it's really great and I'm not sure what ginger is like after it's been frozen? I generally use it fresh! Love your necklace and great blog! x

  5. good luck to you! after taking time off to help your family, you deserve this!!
