
DJ/Radio Producer-turned-Lawyer attempts to dress like a grown-up. Sometimes I comically fail. And I occasionally post fun stuff, like music videos, book-club reviews, or photos of beauty or oddity.
FYI: I was doing this entire blog from my Android phone, snatching moments out of my busy life for quick photos. But I hate auto-correct with a purple passion, so now I'm using the computer for most of the work. I am still using my phone for the photos, though. My photo sizes may be erratic, and the quality isn't stellar. I am not a professional blogger, and do not have time for lots of scenic poses with a great camera. I don't even own a great camera! However, I DO appreciate your continued feedback, even in the absence of photographic artistry.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Shopping Jedi

NOTE: I made a couple of edits, for typos. Then Blogger changed the date of this post, just to confuse everyone. This is actually from last week. Argh!

I got another morning call from Squeaky the next day, for more shopping. She's redecorating,  and I'm having fun spending HER husband's money!

So I grabbed the tight jeans because I could find them,  took a quickie shower,  and combed my hair straight with cheap mousse this time:

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Yep... wore my "shopping marathon shoes" again. But I did jazz up the ensemble with this treasure:

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I just adore these earrings... but the matching necklace would have been a bit "too much":

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I tried out my idea of wearing forties under my compression socks... love it! I get the softer material touching my toes,  and a bit of warmth as well.  Except there is a bit of cutting in around the ankle.

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Perhaps I will try the socks that come up a little more next time.

Turtleneck: Van Heusen
Long Sweater: Just My Size via Baby Sis' friend's purge pile
Belt: I forgot. Bought it in Queens... oh yeah! Boscov's
Jeans: Lane Bryant
Shoes: Saucony
Earrings: via Freeda's purge pile. I think they're from Coldwater Creek


  1. I think the leggings will look super great on you instead of jeans. You got beautiful curves to show don't hide them *_*

    Happy Weekend,

    New Post: Michael Kors pop-up shop with Aimee Song

  2. Nice outfit!!! I love your top and accessories!!
    Have a wonderful weekend!!!!.)))

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥
